With the release of GNOME 46 in March 2024, GNOME Remote Desktop became the first software to support headless remote access on Wayland. Here’s how I set up my server for remote access. I’m using Fedora Server 40.

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I like GNOME, but KDE Plasma is a a far better option if you have multiple monitors. There are a few reasons for this. Namely, non-blurry scaling for XWayland applications and ALT+TAB working as expected.

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If you want to know the default application used for opening a particular filetype, first get the filetype with xdg-mime: xdg-mime query filetype file.html Now that we know the name, we can set it as the default application for text/html files: xdg-mime default firefox.desktop text/html

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Just some thoughts about Mr. Nobody, and the choices we make.

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Linux works great for a lot of things…but not everything. There is plenty you can do on Linux. There are programs for almost everything you can think of, and plenty you haven’t thought of. The issue is, these programs may not have a specific feature you want or you simply need a very particular program that is not available on Linux. The reality is… Not Everything Works on Linux.

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GIMP gets $5,444.84 AUD per month, or $65,338.08 AUD per year, split between ZeMarmot and Øyvind Kolås.

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There is no streaming market that better demonstrates The Monopoly Problem than the international anime streaming market in 2023. For most people, the only site they go to watch anime is Crunchyroll.

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As every news outlet has been eager to point out recently, streaming is getting a lot worse. It’s regressing to the point that it’s developing some of the same drawbacks as TV. There are now streaming services that force ads on their paying customers, you need to pay several companies to watch the shows you want to watch, and prices just keep going up. That’s not good news, of course, but there are some drawbacks to streaming services that have always existed.

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The NoML Proposal is a very sane suggestion, so I signed it and am officially stating my support for it in this post.

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VNDB created a new field where users can identify a release's DRM status. Since rolling it out to the public in the middle of October, users have tagged the DRM status for over 500 visual novel releases.

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